' make music , enjoy life '
' make music , enjoy life '

Want to know more about RML

contact  Chris Wyatt  at:

 Mob. 07929 071155 

E-mail: criswyatt@aol.com

Or use our online contact form

Or RML FAQ's click here

Access the RML SONGBOOK for all our lyrics & chords pdf files by clicking on the button

RML Membership

 to become a member of RML and enjoy all the benefits


To read our Data Protection Policy & Disclaimer Click this button

RML Players



  • A musical group of volunteer singers and musicians available for concerts, parties, events and special occasions, daytime or evenings.


  • We positively encourage audience participation in singing and playing a variety of popular music and songs from the 30’s to the present day.


  • A large percussion box is always available for audience participation.


  • We provide music  for all ages with special arrangements for  60+ age groups .


  • Sessions can be as short as 30 minutes or as long as 2 hours.


  • Individual sessions can be arranged by appointment.


For further information and booking please email via contact

or call Chris Wyatt mob. 07929021155



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©2013 The Redbridge Music Lounge a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales no. 8158390. Registered Charity in England & Wales no. 1151132.